Coperta Revistei Colocvii Teatrale

   Revista Colocvii Teatrale este publicată sub egida Editurii Artes şi a Centrului de Cercetare “Arta Teatrului Studiu şi Creaţie” şi are o apariţie bianuală. Primul număr a apărut în anul 2004.

Suntem înregistrați cu ISSN 2285 – 5912 și ISSN-L 1584 – 4927(online).

Este recunoscută CNCS, încadrată în categoria B (2021-2020) și în ategoria C (din 2021) și este inclusă în baze de date internaționale precum Erih+, EBSCO, ICI Journals Master List și CEEOL. Cuprinde studii şi articole bilingve, recenzii de carte de specialitate şi cronici teatrale, ceea ce face ca această revistă să constituie un bun instrument de informare pentru cercetătorii, cadrele didactice, studenţii sau profesioniştii din domeniul artelor spectacolului - sau domenii conexe.

Publicarea este condiţionată de îndeplinirea criteriilor cuprinse în scrisorile de anunţ ale fiecărui număr referitoare la temă şi standardele de tehnoredactare.

Revista este distribuită prin schimburi interbibliotecare directe, prin comenzi pe site-ul editurii sau achiziţie directă de la Editura Artes a Universităţii de Arte “George Enescu”.

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Universitatea de Arte „George Enescu”


  • Prof. univ. dr. habil. Anca Ciobotaru - Redactor coordonator - UNAGE Iaşi (download CV)
  • Conf. univ. dr. Ioana Petcu - secretar de redacţie - UNAGE Iaşi (download CV)
  • Lect. univ. dr. Tamara Constantinescu - redactor – UNAGE Iaşi (download CV)
  • Lect. univ. dr. Carmen Antochi - tehnoredactare şi tipărire - Editura Artes
  • drd. Ioana Soreanu – UNAGE Iaşi
  • drd. Cezara Fantu – UNAGE Iaşi


  • Prof.univ.dr.Paulo Balardim – Universitatea de Stat din Santa Catarina, Brazilia
  • Irina Niculescu – UNIMA Professional Training Commission,vicepreședinte al UNIMA, USA
  • Conf.univ.dr. Nic Ularu – Departamentul de Teatru şi Dans al Universităţii din Carolina de Sud – SUA
  • Conf.univ.dr. Andreas Englhart Departmentul de Stiinţe ale Artei al Universităţii din Munich
  • Matei Vişniec - RFI - Franţa
  • Prof.univ.dr. Angelina Roșca - Universitatea de Muzică, Teatru și Arte Plastice din Chișinău, Republica Moldova
  • Prof.univ.dr. Daniela Vitcu – Departamentul de Teatru, Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța
  • Conf.univ.dr. Mihaela Beţiu – UNATC, București, Romania
  • Lect.univ.dr. Diana Nechit – Departamentul de Artă Teatrală, Facultatea de Litere, USLB Sibiu
  • Lect.univ.dr. Alexandra Chiriac – Departamentul de Germanistică, Facultatea de Litere, UAIC Iasi
  • Lect.univ.dr. Haricleea Nicolau – Departamentul de Arte, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Craiova
  • Conf.univ.dr. Ioana Bujoreanu – UNAGE Iaşi
  • Cristina Rusiecki – critic de teatru
  • Prof. Univ dr. Anca Maria Rusu


  • Prof. univ. dr. Natalia Dănăilă
  • Dr. Oprea Ştefan – critic de teatru
  • Prof. univ. dr. Constantin Paiu – critic de teatru
  • Prof. univ. dr. habil. Anca Ciobotaru

Procesul de peer-review

În vederea publicării articolelor fie în volumul print al revistei, fie prin încărcarea lor în bazele de date internaționale, articolele sunt analizate prin procesul de Peer Review "in dublu orb" (”double blind”), conform procedurilor operaţionale interne. În cadrul procesului de selecţie, numele autorului nu este cunoscut – fiind înlocuit cu un număr de identificare, astfel încât procesul să fie unul obiectiv. Nici numele recenzentului nu e cunoscut de către autor.
Rata de refuz al articolelor este de 20%
Rapoartele de peer-review sunt întocmite de către Comitetului de Referenţi şi alţi membri ai colectivului de redacţie. Durata procesului este de trei până la cinci săptămâni, iar răspunsurile pot fi „articol acceptat”, „articol acceptat cu modificări cerute autorilor” sau „articol refuzat”.

Reguli de etică şi malpraxis

Studiile trimise pentru publicare, care nu corespund exigenţelor ştiinţifice ale Comitetului de Referenţi şi care nu respectă normele redacţionale stabilite de Colectivului de Redacţie, nu vor fi acceptate. Respingem şi combatem articolele plagiate. Un alt criteriu al selecției este cel al originalității textelor. Un articol este respins, pentru încălcarea caracterului etic, și dacă este publicat în paralel în alte reviste sau dacă a fost prezentat anterior în alte conferințe. Obligaţia corecturii materialelor şi a respectării reglementărilor de tehnoredactare şi aplicare a prevederilor Legii drepturilor de autor revin autorilor. Dacă un autor , atâta vreme cât articolul se află în procesul de peer-review, își dă seama că a comis o eroare, trebuie să contacteze editorii Conferinței sau ai publicației.
Pe parcursul procesului de recenzare, editorii și referenții păstrează confidențialitatea informațiilor și a datelor autorului.
Modul în care autorii articolelor şi studiilor respectă prevederile Legislaţiei drepturilor de autor, Legii 1/2011 şi Regulamentele interne privind activitatea de cercetare şi creaţie artistică pot fi verificate şi prin utilizarea programului de verificare a plagiatului acreditat de către Ministerul de resort (şi CNCIS). Autorul fiecărui articol trebuie să trimită redacţiei o prezentare succintă a activităţii de cercetare şi creaţie, a aparteneţei instituţionale.

Lista responsabililor cu elaborarea, verificarea şi aprobarea procedurii operaţionale.

  • Professor Ph.D. Paulo Balardim - Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – Brazil
  • Irina Niculescu - UNIMA Professional Training Commission, former vice-president of UNIMA, USA
  • Associate Professor Ph.D. Nic Ularu – University of South Carolina, The Department of Theatre and Dance – USA (download CV)
  • Associate Professor Ph.D. Andreas Englhart - Department of Art Sciences University of Munich
  • Matei Vişniec - RFI - FRANCE
  • Professor Ph.D. Angelina Roșca - Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts of Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
  • Professor Ph.D. Daniela Vitcu - Drama Department, Ovidius University of Constanța
  • Associate Professor PhD. Mihaela Beţiu, I. L. Caragiale National University of Theatre and Film, București, Romania
  • Lecturer PhD. Diana Nechit, Department of Theatre Arts Faculty of Letters and Arts, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
  • Lecturer PhD. Alexandra Chiriac, Department of Germanic Studies, Faculty of Letters, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi (download CV)
  • Lecturer PhD. Haricleea Nicolau, Arts Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova
  • Associate Professor PhD. Ioana Bujoreanu - Faculty of Drama, UNAGE, Iasi
  • Cristina Rusiecki – critic de teatru
  • Prof. Univ dr. Anca Maria Rusu

Lista cuprinzând persoanele la care se difuzează ediţia sau, după caz, revizia din cadrul ediţiei procedurii operaţionale.

Scopul difuzării Nr. exemplare Compartiment Funcția Nume și prenume Data primirii
Aplicare 1 Facultatea de Teatru Decan

Director Departament Teatru
Prof. univ. dr. Raluca Bujoreanu-Hutanu

Prof. univ. dr. Ciobotaru Anca Doina
Aplicare 1 Universitățile de profil Directori Centre de Cercetare

- 01.10.2012

Scopul procedurii operaţionale

  • Stabileşte modul de realizare a activităţii, structurile şi persoanele implicate;
  • Dă asigurări cu privire la existenţa documentaţiei adecvate derulării activităţii;
  • Asigură continuitatea activităţii, inclusiv în condiţii de fluctuaţie a personalului implicat.

Domeniul de aplicare a procedurii operaţionale

Reglementează documentaţia de stabilire a modalităţilor de tehnoredactare, primire, selectare şi publicare a studiilor, articolelor şi cronicilor cuprinse în revista COLOCVII TEATRALE.

Definiţii şi abrevieri ale termenilor utilizaţi în procedura operaţională

Definiţii ale termenilor

Termenul Definiţa şi/sau, dacă este cazul, actul care defineşte termenul
Procedura operaţională Prezentarea formalizată, în scris, a tuturor paşilor ce trebuie urmaţi, a metodelor de lucru stabilite şi a regulilor de aplicat în vederea realizării activităţii, cu privire la aspectul procesual
Ediţie a unei proceduri operaţionale Forma iniţială sau actualizată, după caz, a unei proceduri operaţionale, aprobată şi difuzată
Revizia în cadrul unei ediţii Acţiunile de modificare, adăugare, suprimare sau altele asemenea, după caz, a uneia sau a mai multor componente ale unei ediţii a procedurii operaţionale, acţiuni care au fost aprobate şi difuzate

Abrevieri ale termenilor

Abrevierea Termenul Abreviat
E Elaborare
C Contribuție
V Verificare
A Aprobare
Ap. Aplicare
Ah. Arhivare

Descrierea procedurii operaţionale


Misiunea Universităţii de Arte „George Enescu" din Iaşi, cu îndelungată tradiţie şi prestigiu între şcolile vocaţionale, este de a modela şi cultiva talente, caractere şi personalităţi pentru o Românie în dezvoltare şi de a forma specialişti bine pregătiţi, capabili să ofere publicului larg un act cultural de calitate, concomitent cu o susţinută activitate de creaţie artistică şi cercetare, care să asigure progresul artei şi culturii româneşti.

Autonomia universitară constă în dreptul Universităţii de a se conduce, de a-şi exercita libertăţile academice fără niciun fel de ingerinţe ideologice, politice sau religioase, de a-şi asuma un ansamblu de competenţe, obligaţii şi responsabilităţi în concordanţă cu opţiunile şi orientările strategice naţionale ale dezvoltării învăţământului superior, cu progresul artei şi ştiinţei, al civilizaţiei şi culturii româneşti şi universale şi în conformitate cu obiectivele strategice proprii.

Autonomia Universităţii de Arte „George Enescu" din Iaşi se materializează în: autonomia didactică, artistică şi ştiinţifică, autonomia organizatorică şi funcţională, autonomia administrativă şi financiară.

Reglementarea competenţelor decizionale la nivel de Universitate, facultăţi, departamente şi centre de creaţie artistică şi cercetare se face de către Senat, pe baza legislaţiei existente şi a prezentei Charte.

Asigurarea calităţii activităţilor din Universitatea de Arte „George Enescu" din Iaşi este reglementată, în condiţiile autonomiei universitare, prin Regulamente aprobate de e Senatul universitar.

Descrierea procedurii operaţionale

Descrierea procedurii de lucru:

Colectivul de redacţie al revistei aprobă în Şedinţele de Redacţie tema numărului ce urmează a fi publicat. Membrii ce nu pot fi prezenţi sunt consultaţi, de către redactorul coordonator, prin e-mail.

Macheta revistei este realizată în cadrul unei şedinţe operative a colectivului de redacţie.

Tirajul este aprobat, în urma solicitării, în scris, efectuate de către redactorul coordonator.

Aprobarea poartă apostila: directorului de Departament, decanului, rectorului instituţiei.

Anunţul temei este realizat de către secretarul redacţiei. Scrisoarea de anunţ cuprinde, de asemenea, referiri la condiţiile de tehnoredactare şi termenul limită de trimitere al materialelor, în vederea selecţionării şi publicării.

Materialele primite, ce întrunesc condiţiile de publicare solicitate, dar nepublicate vor fi reprogramate pentru un număr ulterior. Autorii vor fi înştiinţaţi cu privire la acest aspect.

Transmiterea materialului către colectivul de redacţie, echivalează cu cedarea drepturilor de autor în favoarea revistei COLOCVII TEATRLE.

Obligaţia corecturii materialelor şi a respectării reglementărilor de tehnoredactare şi aplicare a prevederilor Legii drepturilor de autor revin autorilor.

Selectarea materialelor se face de către colectivul de redacţie, în cadrul unei şedinţe; sunt analizate toate materialele primite pe adresa redacţiei.

Forma finală a revistei rezultă în urma întocmirii rapoartelelor de peer-review, de către Comitetului de Referenţi şi alţi membri ai colectivului de redacţie. În cadrul procesului de selecţie, numele autorului nu este cunoscut – fiind înlocuit cu un număr de identificare, astfel încât procesul să fie unul obiectiv.

Modul în care autorii articolelor şi studiilor respectă prevederile Legislaţiei drepturilor de autor, Legii 1/2011 şi Regulamentele interne privind activitatea de cercetare şi creaţie artistică pot fi verificate şi prin utilizarea programului de verificare a plagiatului acreditat de către Ministerul de resort (şi CNCIS).

Descrierea procedurii operaţionale

Matricea responsabilitǎţilor:

Acţiunea / operaţiunea Responsabil I II III IV V VI VII
Stabilirea temei numărului Colectivul de redacţie E
Stabilirea tirajului
Întocmirea referatului
Redactor coordonator C
Realizarea şi transmiterea scrisorii de anunţ Secretarul redacţiei

Redactorul coordinator

Intocmirea Referatelor de îndeplinire a obligaţiilor didactice Şef Departament E
Aprobarea Referatelor de tipărire Director Departament
Transmiterea materialelor, în vederea publicării Autorii Ap.
Arhivarea conţinuturilor publicate Tehnoredactor tipografia editurii Artes Ah.

Descrierea procedurii operaţionale

Dispoziţii finale:

Autorilor le revin, în principal, urmǎtoarele obligaţii:

  • obligaţia de a realiza, tehnoredacta, în formatul solicitat, traduce într-o limbă de dirculaţie internaţională şi corecta materialele prezentate;
  • obligaţia de a respecta prevederii Legii drepturilor de autor;
  • obligaţia de a respecta prevederile cuprinse în Scrisoarea de anunţ;
  • alte obligaţii prevăzute de lege sau de Charta UNAGE.

Colectivul de redacţie are, în principal, urmǎtoarele drepturi:

  • sǎ stabileascǎ tema şi condiţiile de tehnoredactare;
  • să stabilească atribuţiile corespunzătoare fiecărui membru;
  • sǎ exercite controlul asupra modului de îndeplinire a condiţiilor de publicare;
  • să stabilească obiectivele de performanţă, precum şi criteriile de evaluare a realizării acestora ; normele de comportare sunt stabilite fǎrǎ a aduce atingere dreptului la opinie, libertǎţii exprimǎrii şi libertǎţii academice.

Orice act normativ apărut ulterior care face referire la prezenta procedură conduce, dacă este cazul, la modificarea acesteia.

Facultatea de Teatru


Str. Costache Negruzzi nr. 7 - 9, Iaşi 700126, România

Telefon: 0040 - 232 - 212548

Fax: 0040 - 232 - 216637

Contact revista:

Editura si Tipografia „Artes” nu au personalitate juridica, ele apartin de Universitatea de Arte „George Enescu” Iași

The cover of Colocvii Teatrale

   The journal Theatrical Colloquia is edited by Artes Publishing House and The Research Centre “The Art of Theatre – Study and Creation”, in one issue per semester. The first issue was released in 2004.

We are rgistred with a print ISSN 2285 – 5912 and ISSN-L 1584 – 4927(online).

Accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, "Theatrical Colloquia" was awarded Category B (2012-2020) and Category C (from 2021) and also included in international databases like Erih +, EBSCO, ICI Journals Master List and CEEOL. The journal is also indexed on Sciendo editorial group.

Theatrical Colloquia is covered by the following services:

  • Baidu Scholar
  • CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
  • CNPIEC - cnpLINKer
  • Dimensions
  • EBSCO (relevant databases)
  • EBSCO Discovery Service
  • Google Scholar
  • J-Gate
  • JournalTOCs
  • KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders)
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • MyScienceWork
  • Naviga (Softweco)
  • Primo Central (ExLibris)
  • ProQuest (relevant databases)
  • Publons
  • QOAM (Quality Open Access Market)
  • ReadCube
  • Summon (ProQuest)
  • TDNet
  • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb
  • WanFang Data
  • WorldCat (OCLC)

The journal consists of bilingual studies and articles, reviews of specialized books and dramatic productions, which makes this journal a useful means of information for researchers, professors, students or artists in the field of theatre – or connected domains of expertise. All articles are given a DOI number.

Article publishing is conditioned by the criteria made public through the call-for-papers letters that announce the theme and desktop-publishing standards of each issue.

The journal is distributed by means of inter-library exchanges, orders placed on the publishing house’s website or direct purchases from Artes Publishing House, at the “George Enescu” University of Arts.


George Enescu University of Arts, Iaşi


  • Professor, PhD habil. Anca Ciobotaru - Editor in chief - UNAGE Iaşi
  • (download CV)
  • Associate Professor PhD. Ioana Petcu, PhD - Editorial Secretary - UNAGE Iaşi
  • (download CV)
  • Lecturer PhD.Tamara Constantinescu, PhD - Editor – UNAGE Iaşi
  • Lecturer PhD.Carmen Antochi - Desktop publishing and printing – Artes Publishing House
  • PhD. candidate Ioana Soreanu – UNAGE Iaşi
  • PhD. candidate Cezara Fantu – UNAGE Iaşi


  • Professor Ph.D. Paulo Balardim - Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – Brazil
  • Irina Niculescu - UNIMA Professional Training Commission, former vice-president of UNIMA, USA
  • Associate Professor Ph.D. Nic Ularu – University of South Carolina, The Department of Theatre and Dance – USA (download CV)
  • Associate Professor Ph.D. Andreas Englhart - Department of Art Sciences University of Munich
  • Matei Vişniec - RFI - FRANCE
  • Professor Ph.D. Angelina Roșca - Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts of Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
  • Professor Ph.D. Daniela Vitcu - Drama Department, Ovidius University of Constanța
  • Associate Professor PhD. Mihaela Beţiu, I. L. Caragiale National University of Theatre and Film, București, Romania
  • Lecturer PhD. Diana Nechit, Department of Theatre Arts Faculty of Letters and Arts, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
  • Lecturer PhD. Alexandra Chiriac, Department of Germanic Studies, Faculty of Letters, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi (download CV)
  • Lecturer PhD. Haricleea Nicolau, Arts Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova
  • Associate Professor PhD. Ioana Bujoreanu - Faculty of Drama, UNAGE, Iasi
  • Cristina Rusiecki – theatre critic
  • Professor Anca Maria Rusu, PhD


  • Professor Natalia Dănăilă, PhD
  • Ştefan Oprea, PhD – theatre critic
  • Professor Constantin Paiu, PhD – theatre critic
  • Professor, PhD habil. Anca Ciobotaru

  1. … and All Men and Women Are Critics or Criticism in a Mirage Universe by Kalina STEFANOVA
  2. The Experience of the Spaces for The Representation and Distances Required for Handling. Looks and Movements of Living Bodies - Puppets - Virtual or Electronic Objects and Bodies by Françoise FLABAT
  3. Martha Graham, the Ancient Greek Theater and the Rewriting of the Classical Texts through the Bodily Movement on Stage by Camelia LENART
  4. On Dramaturgy in the Twenty-First Century by Diana COZMA
  5. Ibsen Face to Face with The New Stage Aesthetics. Radu Afrim and Andriy Zholdak Recreating The Lady From The Sea by Diana NECHIT and Andrei C. ȘERBAN
  6. Literary and Theatrical Resilience: Quixote, from Classic and (Post)Modern Character, to Syndrome by Ana-Magdalena PETRARU
  7. Ionesco Obsessions in Scenic Imagery Signed Gábor Tompa by Tamara CONSTANTINESCU
  8. The Spacing of a Message by Anca-Doina CIOBOTARU and Carmen MIHALACHE
  9. Emergence and Artificial Intelligence in the Performing Arts by Radu TEAMPĂU
  10. Severed Green: a Pandemic-Born Structure by Alexandra FELSEGHI
  11. Theatre in Post-Newtonian Era by Ion MIRCIOAGĂ
  12. Claus Guth and The Inverted Dioramas by Cristi AVRAM
  13. The Acting Teachers – The Usual Students by Laura BILIC
  14. The Metamorphoses of Drama Pedagogy in European Arts High Education Institutions Between Constraint and Initiative by Raluca ZAHARIA
  15. Breathing and The Voice Practices on Stage by Anca SIMILAR
  16. Emerging Theatre Practices – The Golden Myth of European Theatrical Thought by Marius Alexandru TEODORESCU
  17. On Bodies in Motion: New Perspectives in Contemporary Choreography by Andreea NOVAC
  18. Art as Therapy. Reducing Symptoms of Burnout Syndrome Among Healthcare Personnel in Hospitals by Means of Artistic Interventions by Diana BULUGA
  19. A Way to a More Immersive Performance Through the Use of Technology by Vlad BENESCU
  20. On The Verge of a New Fusion: Theatre Space – Digital Space by Alexandra DIACONIȚA
  21. Theatre as a Public Service. Tendencies and Relevance by George COSTIN

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  1. Scenic aesthetics in Belgium: history of emancipation by Véronique LEMAIRE
  2. Diversity in universality by Otilia HUZUM
  3. On pedagogy: between mark/model and the broken mirror by Gelu BADEA
  4. Creative Profile Outline by Anca Doina CIOBOTARU•
  5. ”Theatre should be free, like air or love”. Joan Littlewood and the imperative of collective creation by Răzvan MUREȘAN
  6. Female image from Euripides to Churchill by Alexandra FELSEGHI
  7. Maeterlinck’s Poetic Symbolism in Trei piese triste (Three Sad Plays) by Ana-Magdalena PETRARU
  8. The festival - the mark of the city's cultural identity in the context of urban marketing by Ioana-Raluca ZAHARIA
  9. Identity from a Theatrical Perspective by Radu TEAMPĂU
  10. The Opera Libretto – Adaptation of A Canonical Literary Text, The Opera ”O Noapte furtunoasă” by Paul Constantinescu by Cristi AVRAM
  11. Music – main character in theatre productions by Antonella CORNICI
  12. The importance of meaning in the act of creation by Iulia LUMÂNARE
  13. “Bonjour, bourgeois” or undermining the realist convention in The Greek Weird Wave by Emanuel-Alexandru VASILIU
  14. Execution of plies – basis of classical dance technique by Anca IORGA
  15. The Limits of Film within the Limits of Theatre, in Two Examples Spectacular identities from the Communist and present era by Emanuel Alexandru PÂRVU
  16. Specific training methods in the art of classical dance by Marian CHIRAZI
  17. Multiple Spectacular Identities or about variations of artistic forms on the same subject by Stanca Maria BOGDAN
  18. The actor's dramaturgy: identity, freedom, and discipline by Sorin-Dan BOLDEA
  19. About theatre with love by Clara GHIUVELICHIAN

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  1. Multiplied illusions by Anca Doina CIOBOTARU and Elena Carmen ANTOCHI
  2. Slices of Life Mirrored on Stage by Diana COZMA
  3. Theater between art and experiment by Otilia HUZUM
  4. Literary and Stage Humour in Three by Ana-Magdalena PETRARU
  5. The theater - the sensible universe where the unspeakable is made known by Iulia LUMÂNARE
  6. Scenography, a Special Form of Art and Basic Component of Total Theatre by Răzvan-Petrișor DRAGOȘ
  7. Time of Theatre or How We Made a Fairy Tale with Auntie Ilonka, the Wild Woman by Kisó Kata PALOCSAY
  8. The Art of Dance and The Human Body in Motion by Lorette ENACHE
  9. The actor and his character by Anca IORGA
  10. Fear and pity: about the tragedy’s resurrection in the post-pandemic era by Alexandra FELSEGHI
  11. The Merry Widow 2.0. Andrei Șerban by Cristi AVRAM
  12. Right/Wrong vs. Possiblity/Choice by Laura BILIC
  13. Methods of professionalization in the performing arts - the high school model by Iulia URSA
  14. On Theatre-Mirror, Theatre-Hammer, Theatre-Veil in the Romanian Theatre by Radu TEAMPĂU
  15. Truth and Temporality - Points of Intersection Between Actor and Character by Alexandra DIACONITA
  16. Theater in a post-literate world by Ioana ILAȘ BODALE
  17. The Role of Theatre in the Development of the Modern Human by Inga MARCU-REMENTOV
  18. Caragiale between comic and communism by Alexandru SINCA
  19. But does snow have meaning? by Cezara-Ștefania SAVA-FANTU
  20. About the timeless time in theater by Georgeta Simona PANDELE
  21. A.P. Chekhov A life in letters – Correspondence (1891 – 1904) by Anca Doina CIOBOTARU

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  1. A Theatre of Inquietude by Diana COZMA
  2. To Be Or Not To Be! by Otilia HUZUM
  3. The Immanence of Abysmal Seduction in the Art of Acting by Iulia LUMÂNARE
  4. Maria Blut or On the Lost Charm of Theatricality by Aurelian BĂLĂIȚĂ and Călin CIOBOTARI
  5. Slava's Snowshow and Existentialism by Octavian JIGHIRGIU and Andreea J. DARIE
  6. Anxiety and Sublime in Theatre by Radu TEAMPĂU
  7. Amadeus – Musical Genius in Theater and Film by Ana-Magdalena PETRARU
  8. The Clown and His Therapeutic Play. Le Rire Médecin by Antonella CORNICI
  9. Behind the Brain - Epilepsy.Narrative Perspectives by Cristi AVRAM
  10. Metaphorographic - Performative Experiences In Performances: (In Between) Homes/ Ulysses and Thrill Me : The Story Of Leopold And Loeb by Raluca LUPAN
  11. Richard Wagner – The Genius Mark Of A Simmering Brew Of Pursuits, Anxieties And Contrasts by Stanca Maria BOGDAN
  12. Confluences Between Theater and Visual Arts: Van Gogh and Edvard Munch or From Tragedy to Dramaturgy by Aura Evelina RADU
  13. Personal Perspective through Digital Art in Contemporary Theatre and Performance by Marius-Alexandru TEODORESCU
  14. The Anxieties of Generation Z. Story of a Hooded Sufferer. Devised theatre - An instrument of connection by Cezara - Ștefania FANTU
  15. Verbatim Theatre: Anguish and Theatrical Truths by Sorin-Dan BOLDEA
  16. Involvement and Detachment of the Actor in the Creative Process. Stanislavsky System - Brecht System by Marius BODOCHI
  17. Race Preparation: A Dialogue with the Past and the Future of Theater Director Pedagogy by Mihai GLIGAN
  18. The Nature of the „BEAST” by Petre-Gabriel COVEȘANU
  19. The Eastern Front of the Romanian Language, the Founding Of the Iași National by Alexandru Florin SINCA
  20. Researches in Maurice Maeterlinck’s Theater Works by Ioana PETCU-PĂDUREAN

The Faculty of Theatre


9 Costache Negruzzi Street, Iaşi 700126, Romania

Telephone: 0040 - 232 - 212548

Fax: 0040 - 232 - 216637

Contact for the journal:

Artes Publishing and Printing Houses do not have legal personality, they pertain to the George Enescu University of Arts, Iaşi.

Peer-review process

In order to publish articles in the printed volume of „Theatrical Colloquia”, or to upload them on international databases, they have to be analysed in a “double blind” peer-review process, according to internal operational procedures. During the selection process, the author’s name is not known – being replaced with an identification number, so that the process is an objective one. The author also does not know the name of the reviewer.
The article refusal rate is 20%.
The peer-review reports are made by the Committee of Reviewers and other members of the editorial board. The process lasts between three and five weeks, and the answers can be: “acceptable for publication without revisions”, “acceptable for publication with minor revisions”, “acceptable for publication with major revisions” or “rejected”.

Ethic rules and malpractice

The studies sent for publication that do not correspond to the scientific exigencies of the Committee of Reviewers will not be accepted. We reject and refute plagiarized articles. Another selection criterion is the originality of the texts. An article can also be rejected, as violating ethics, if it was already published in other magazines or was previously presented at other conferences. The obligation to proofread the articles, to respect the editing guidelines, and to apply the stipulations of the Copyright Law are the authors’ responsibility. If, during the peer-review process, an author realizes they have made an error, they must contact the editors of the Conference or of the publication.
During the peer-review process, editors and reviewers must keep the confidentiality of the information and of the author’s data.
The way in which the authors of the articles and studies respect the stipulation of the Copyright Law, Law 1/2011, and the Internal Regulations on research and artistic creation can also be verified using the academic plagiarism screening tool accredited by the Ministry (and CNCIS). The author of each paper must send to the editorial board a short presentation of their research and artistic activity, as well as of their institutional affiliation.

List of those responsible for elaborating, checking and approving the operational procedure

  • Professor Ph.D. Paulo Balardim - Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – Brazil
  • Irina Niculescu - UNIMA Professional Training Commission, former vice-president of UNIMA, USA
  • Associate Professor Ph.D. Nic Ularu – University of South Carolina, The Department of Theatre and Dance – USA (download CV)
  • Associate Professor Ph.D. Andreas Englhart - Department of Art Sciences University of Munich
  • Matei Vişniec - RFI - FRANCE
  • Professor Ph.D. Angelina Roșca - Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts of Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
  • Professor Ph.D. Daniela Vitcu - Drama Department, Ovidius University of Constanța
  • Associate Professor PhD. Mihaela Beţiu, I. L. Caragiale National University of Theatre and Film, București, Romania
  • Lecturer PhD. Diana Nechit, Department of Theatre Arts Faculty of Letters and Arts, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
  • Lecturer PhD. Alexandra Chiriac, Department of Germanic Studies, Faculty of Letters, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi (download CV)
  • Lecturer PhD. Haricleea Nicolau, Arts Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova
  • Associate Professor PhD. Ioana Bujoreanu - Faculty of Drama, UNAGE, Iasi
  • Cristina Rusiecki – theatre critic
  • Professor Anca Maria Rusu, PhD - Faculty of Drama, UNAGE, Iasi

List of people who receive the issue or the revised edition of the operational procedure, where applicable

Purpose of issuance Number of copies Compartment Function Name and surname Date received
Application 1 The Faculty of Theatre Dean

Head of the Theatre Department
Professor Raluca Bujoreanu-Huţanu, PhD

Associate Professor Octavian Jighirgiu, PhD
Application 1 Profile Universities Heads of Research Centres

- 10/01/2012

Purpose of the operational procedure

  • Establishes the way to carry out the activity, the structures and people involved;
  • Gives assurance in regard with the existence of the adequate documentation for the fulfilling of the activity;
  • Assures the continuity of the activity, even under the circumstances of fluctuation of the staff involved.

Domain of application of the operational procedure

Regulates the documentation for establishing the procedures for desktop publishing, receiving, selecting and publishing the studies, articles and reviews to appear in the journal THEATRICAL COLLOQUIA.

Definitions and abbreviations of terms used in the operational procedure

Definitions of terms

Term Definition and/or, where necessary, the act defining the term
Operational procedure Formal written presentation of all steps to be followed, established working methods and rules to be applied in order to fulfill the activity, regarding its procedural aspect
Edition of an operational procedure Initial or, be it the case, updated version of an approved and issued operational procedure
Revision of an edition Actions of modifying, appending, abridging or others of the sort, of one or, respectively, several components of an edition of the operational procedure, actions that have been approved and issued

Abbreviations of terms

Abbreviation Abbreviated term
E Elaboration
C Contribution
V Verifying
A Approving
Ap. Application
Ah. Archiving

Description of the operational procedure


The mission of the George Enescu University of Arts of Iaşi, with a longstanding tradition and prestige among vocational education institutions, is to form and nourish talent, character and personalities for a developing Romania and also to breed highly trained specialists who are capable of presenting the wide audience with a cultural act of quality, alongside a sustained activity in the area of artistic creation and research, meant to ensure the progress of Romanian art and culture.

The university’s autonomy resides in its right to rule itself, to exercise its academic liberties without any ideological, political or religious interference, to assume an assembly of competences, obligations and responsibilities according to the national strategic options and directions of development of higher education, to the progress of art and science, of Romanian civilization and culture and to its own strategic objectives.

The autonomy of George Enescu University of Arts of Iaşi takes the shapes of: educational, artistic and scientific autonomy, organizational and functional autonomy, administrative and financial autonomy.

The regulation of decisional competences for the University, faculties, departments and centres of artistic creation and research is done by the Senate, using the existent legislation and the present Charter.

The assurance of the quality of activities held by George Enescu University of Arts of Iaşi is brought under Regulations approved by the University’s Senate, under the terms of University autonomy.

Description of the operational procedure

Description of the working procedure:

The journal’s editorial staff establishes the subject of the issue to be published during staff meetings. The staff members who cannot be present are consulted through e-mail by the editor in chief.

The lay-out of the jounral is done during an operational meeting of the editorial staff.

The number of issues is approved after written demand by the editor in chief.

The approval bears signatures from: the head of the department, the dean, the rector.

The announcement of the subject is done by the editorial secretary. The announcement letter must also refer to the desktop publishing conditions and the deadline for submission of materials for selection and publishing.

The materials that meet the requirements but are not to be published shall be rescheduled for a future issue. The authors shall be notified on this matter.

Sending the material to the editorial staff equates to granting the copyrights to the jounral THEATRICAL COLLOQUIA.

The obligation to proofread the material and to abide to the regulations of desktop publishing and of the Law of copyright is the authors’.

The editorial staff selects the submitted papers during a meeting; all materials received on the staff’s address shall be subjected to analysis.

The final form of the journal ensues after the peer-review reports made by the Counseling Committee and other members of the editorial staff. During selection, the author’s name is unknown – having been replaced with an identification number in order to maintain an objective selection process.

The degree to which the authors of articles and studies abide by the stipulations of the Law of copyright, Law 1/2011 and Internal Regulations of research and artistic creation can also be established through the plagiarism verification program accredited by the resort Ministry (and CNCIS).

Description of the operational procedure

Table of responsibilities:

Action/operation Responsible I II III IV V VI VII
Establishing the issue’s subject The editorial staff E
Establishing the number of issues
Writing the report
The editor in chief C
Writing and sending the announcement letter The editorial secretary

The editor in chief

Writing the Reports of fulfillment of didactic activities The Head of the Department E
Approving the Report for publishing The Head of the Department
The Dean
The Rector
Sending materials for publishing The authors Ap.
Archiving published content Editor of the ARTES Publishing House Ah.

Description of the operational procedure

Final settlements:

The authors mainly have the following obligations:

  • the obligation to write and to edit the materials in the required format, to translate them into an international langUNAGE and to proofread them;
  • the obligation to abide by the stipulations of the Law of copyright;
  • the obligation to abide by the regulations established in the Announcement letter;
  • other obligations set by law or the UNAGE Charter.

The editorial staff mainly has the following rights:

  • to establish the subject and the desktop publishing requirements;
  • to establish each member’s attributions;
  • to control the meeting of publishing requirements;
  • to set performance goals, as well as criteria for the evaluation of their achievement; rules of conduct are established without any harm to the right of opinion, liberty of expression and academic liberty.

Any further normative act which refers to the present procedure leads, if necessary, to its modification.